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#report造句| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、No sweat. I'll have he report done for you in an hour.没问题。我会在一小时之内让认为你做出这份报告。

2、The report is likely to prove highly embarrassing to the government.这份报告可能会让政府非常尴尬。

3、The bound item data contains the report data in XHTML format.绑定项数据以xhtml格式包含报告数据。

4、I was tapping out a news report on my typewriter when the doorbell rang我正在用打字机打一则新闻报导,突然门铃响了。

5、Moisture test result, see below tabulated report of Cargo Outturn.湿度测试的结果见于下面的“货物测验结果”表格。

6、Summarize and make report for all solved trouble,feed back to supplier.收集、总结已解决的问题,反馈供应商。

7、Wireless brings countless benefits, as our special report in this issue describes.正如我们本期特别报道所说,无线技术带来的好处难以言数。

8、It argued that the report did not detail specific flaws that attackers could exploit.它辩解说报告没有可资攻击者利用的缺陷细节。

9、In its annual report for the year 2000, chemicals giant DuPont reported.化工业巨头杜帮公司在其2000年年报中指出。

10、JobDescription: This report page displays the job description for a given job offering.JobDescription:该报告页面显示给定职位招聘的职位描述。

11、The Pacing section of the report highlights how each person likes others to communicate with them.报告的步调部分强调了每个人喜欢其他人怎样跟他们交流。

12、This report is from our Science Unit.这份报告出自我们的科学部。

13、They headed my report with a banner.他们把我的报道加了个通栏大标题。

14、Audit report is requested to be made public.审计报告按要求都应该公开。

15、The report also says that intensive livestock operations can pose serious ecological risks.该报告还指出,集约化的畜牧业经营会带来严重的生态风险。

16、Various insiders report that user numbers have declined precipitously.各种内部人士报道,用户数量在陡然下降。

17、The report on the riot exposed a prison system stretched to breaking point.关于这场 * 的报道暴露了一个被逼到崩溃边缘的监狱体制。

18、The report revealed a great deal of bureaucratic inefficiency.报道大量揭示了官僚体制的无能。

19、Dr. Peter Kastl and his colleagues report that they can use tears to detect drug abuse.彼得·卡斯特尔博士和他的同事发现,他们可以用眼泪来检测药物滥用问题。

20、Your new report appears on the left side of the page.您的新报表会出现在页面的左边。

21、The proc filesystem has been modified to report only the original thread, rather than all threads.修改了proc 文件系统,不再报告所有的线程而只是报告原始的线程。

22、The report page has two widgets.该报告页面有两个widget。

23、The report accused the police department of institutional racism.报告指责警察局的种族歧视根深蒂固。

24、This report is a bIt 'scrappy.这篇报告有一点杂乱无章。

25、The tax bureau encourages people to report any unit that evades taxation.税务局鼓励群众举报漏税单位。

26、The report was badly researched and quite inaccurate.这报告没有经过认真调查,相当不实。

27、A common set of metrics is used to measure, report and drive improvement我们通过一套统一的标准来衡量、反馈及促进对业务的改进。

28、Report on 21 cases of childhood DLE with 13 years of follow-up21例儿童DLE随访13年报告

29、All those things could worsen very significantly, the report says.所有这些情况都可能极为显著地恶化。

report翻译n. 报告, 报道, 传说, 案情报告, * 声, 成绩单vt. 报告, 汇报, 转述, 报道, 揭发, 使报到vi. 报告, 写报道, 报到【计】 报告【医】 报告, 汇报【经】 据报导报告; 报告 详情






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